What is a Financial Analyst? 

A financial analyst provides informed financial insight to businesses and individual investors regarding the market and economic trends. They must identify and forecast future risks and trends based on the current and past markets. Their reports offer strategy and guidance that is data-driven, carefully researched, and organized.  A financial analyst typically spends his day doing…

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Is CFO Part of Your Future? Do You Have What It Takes?

Many accounting professionals aspire to have an office in the C-suite someday. Having been a numbers-cruncher throughout their career, a move to CFO may seem the logical next step. But is it? Is a love of computing and finesse for finances enough to open doors to an executive position? And if those doors do open,…

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Attaining Success as A Finance Manager

Being a successful manager has always been challenging –even more so in finance management. Accounting and finance is already a demanding field where integrity, precision, and meticulous record-keeping are in themselves demanding. Add to those skills the traits of being a great manager, and the task may seem daunting. But, on the other hand, being…

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