How to Navigate the Transition to A New Job: 3 Stellar
Starting a new job brings feelings of exhilaration — starting out on a clean slate, opening to a new chapter, is always exciting. It can, however, also be intimidating.
The challenges of learning a new role, company culture, guidelines, policies, and company hierarchies include countless unknowns. Add the pressure of feeling like you must adapt quickly and produce results, and it’s terrifying at worst and uncomfortable at best. The transition of starting a new job can feel awkward — even for the most seasoned professional.
We want to offer a few strategies for navigating new job transitions and coming out on top!
Pay Attention!
The first few weeks inundate you with information. Even if it feels like you are drinking from a firehose, take some moments to pause and process what you see and hear. There are a few things that merit your special attention right away.
- Take note of your surroundings: the layout of the office, the surrounding neighborhood, and the best routes to and from the office. Being more comfortable with your surroundings helps you gain confidence and adapt faster.
- Pinpointing other key performers early in your tenure is another way to get ahead quickly. Observe what kinds of skills and attitudes set them apart. Learn from them, applying those characteristics as you seek growth and development.
- Your relationship with your direct report (typically) influences your success more than any other workplace relationship. Start paying attention to their expectations for you in your position. Also, pay attention to their communication preference, keeping them well-informed during the onboarding process.
Build Relationships
Workplace relationships hold the power to make or break your job experience. It is never too early to start fostering relationships. In addition to getting to know your leadership team, build relationships with potential mentors (remember those key performers?). Start building trust with your coworkers, and remember to have fun! However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
- Set Healthy Boundaries: Maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial to a successful work experience — especially when transitioning into a new role. It includes boundaries clarifying just how personal you are willing to be with workplace relationships.
- Avoid Gossip: Gossip is ugly. It divides and destroys and is incredibly unprofessional. Avoid gossip, even if it feels fun to be “included” in the chatter. The tables always turn, and someday, the gossip might be about you.
- Cut Some Slack: All workplaces, regardless of the culture, have one common denominator. People. People are not perfect and sometimes disappoint us. Perspectives often differ and cause frustration and division. So, remember to cut everyone (and yourself) some slack and keep a balanced vantage as you transition to your new role.
Take Initiative
Transitioning into a new role takes humility (remember to listen twice as much as you talk!), but balance humility with taking initiative. As you become more comfortable, be alert for opportunities to offer solutions and help in areas outside your job description. Do not hesitate to ask questions, but also be willing to do some of your investigative work first.
Bottom line: It’s up to you to invest in the process and put in the effort.
As a boutique staffing agency, The Robert Joseph Group uses our collective experience in accounting and finance and our targeted recruiting strategy to bring you top-tier experience as you look for your next career step. Contact us today!